
Saw Palmetto

Serenoa Serrulata


Saw palmetto berries were first used by Native Americans as a diuretic and sexual tonic, as well as for stomach ache and dysentery.

Saw Palmetto is a small, low-growing, dwarf-palm tree, native to southeastern North American, particularly Florida. The extract is prepared from its berries.
Modern Usage
Several trials have been conducted into Saw Palmetto as an effective, natural treatment for men with an enlarged prostate gland. Studies are also investigating its possible use in preventing male-pattern baldness.
Traditional Usage
Saw Palmetto is an antiflammatory and anti-exudative. It is believed that Saw Palmetto extract lowers DHT levels in prostate tissue, a substance that causes enlargement of the prostate gland. As a result, Saw Palmetto increases the flow of urine, reduces painful urination and helps to prevent nocturia, the need to urinate frequently during the night.

*The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Please always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.